Metal hydride fuel cell

Metal hydride fuel cells are a subclass of alkaline fuel cells that are currently in the research and development phase. A notable feature is their ability to chemically bond and store hydrogen within the cell. This feature is shared with direct borohydride fuel cells, although the two differ in that MHFCs are refueled with pure hydrogen. Though the absorption characteristics of metal hydrides (around 2%) is far lower than sodium-borohydrides and other "light" metal hydrides (around 10,8%)[1], prototypes have been claimed to demonstrate a number of interesting characteristics:

Metal hydride fuel cells are currently being researched by ECD Ovonics, as well as by the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Though similar, the two MHFC concepts use different catalysts.[2][3] Thus far, neither research project has produced a demonstratable model outside of a laboratory - only publications and patents - and significant efficiency hurdles have yet to be overcome. The Ovonics and AIST metal hydride fuel cells claim current densities of only 250mA/cm2 and 20mA/cm2, respectively, versus typical PEMFC performance at 1A/cm2.


See also

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